a (late) letter to a lost lover

I woke up with my heart heavy today. I dreamt of you. I dreamt that you had things you wanted to say to me, in the form of a nicely folded origami letter. I vaguely saw some words you wrote, but did not get to read it all. That’s everything I want to say to you, you said.

I guess that’s the closure you’d want to have. Or perhaps, the closure I think you want. Or if I’m really honest with myself, the closure I want (but never wanted/dared to admit, or to go back to find).

I never found the space to truly grieve over this relationship that I hold so dear to my heart. There was some point I didn’t even want to recognise or admit the legitimacy of this relationship. But that was all because of guilt, and denying it was easier than facing up to it – I know I was wrong, and that I let you down…

We spoke a few months back, and we both got to know a little more about why things happened the way they did. I never thought that I was responsible too, so naturally I felt really bad. I always blamed you, blamed the mismatch, but alas, it started from me, it turns out. What a mess I am, lol.

I never really admitted or showed you before, but I did have strong feelings for you. I remember consciously or subconsciously trying to create more opportunities to spend time together, and I remember how every little moment meant so much to me. I remember I cried when I received that 電子情書 – I even remember the date clearly, still (now I’ve lost those messages, sadly). I remember not sleeping well for two weeks after the mixed messages. I also remember the sunflower we tried to plant, and how we grieved over its sacrifice to a snail (probably). I remember waiting eagerly for you to ask me out after your FYP ended but to no avail lol. I remember the late night snaps and how just knowing that you were online with me at 3am kept me going, even though we didn’t speak much. I remember that final confession using stickers – so ridiculous but so irreplaceable too. I remember you said you would bring bread for me on your graduation day, and I remember how hungry I was waiting for the bread I never got LOL. I remember despite the distance and lack of time spent together, I still want to share all that I’ve learnt and all that I was thinking with you. I remember writing so many poems and my very first songs, and they’re all about you. Whether it was love or not, I’m not entirely sure, but I wanted a future with you, I wanted to get to know every part of you and I wanted you to know every part of me. I wanted us to work so bad. But I guess I didn’t know how. You were too special to me, and I did not want to “spoil” any part of it. If I’m not wrong, you felt the same. And so, things moved really slowly.

I guess it moved so slowly that I got tired of questioning and wondering every day. We were not 100% being ourselves. We did not have enough emotional exchanges. We did not have (/ create) the time and space to get to know each other more, both inside and out. We did not yet open up to each other. Our exchanges were mostly over text – although I appreciate every bit of it, it was not enough for me. Sadly, I never mentioned that, for fear of appearing too needy. I wanted to match what you were doing so I don’t seem like the crazy one (?).

Well, after things became official, we were further separated by time – limited time to have any exchange over text at all. I guess this worsened the already shaky foundation that we had.

And that was when I decided I wanted to leave. Honestly, I never wanted to leave. But I experienced how effortless exchanges could be, and how freeing it is to be entirely “myself” in front of someone else – no questioning and wondering.

I made a selfish decision to put an end to the seemingly endless questioning and wondering. And I hurt you so bad. So, so bad.

Sometimes I do look back and think… what if I didn’t leave? What if we went on? I’m sure at some point the questioning and wondering will stop, as we both put in effort to make the relationship work. As we communicate more, as we open up to each other, I’m sure we’ll work out… I think?

Maybe I got sick of taking things slow. Maybe I craved any action that stop me from wondering and answers without questioning, but never dared to bare my needs. But yeah, I took the “easy way out”, I guess? And with any decision, there’s no going back.

I’m sorry I gave up on us so soon. I’m sorry for all the hurt I’ve caused you. I’m sorry I cannot be there to help you heal. I’m sorry to have probably destroyed your outlook on love. I’m sorry that this letter came so late.

This is me grieving over what we could have been, and all the what ifs in between. Maybe in a parallel universe, we would be happily together. While we can never go back to where we were before, I’m still glad we shared this part of our lives together. I’m happy where I am now, and I hope you will find your own happiness too!

I still think of you (and us) sometimes, and I always wonder if you’re doing well. I sure hope you are, and will always be well.

If you do see this, feel free to reach out. You still mean a lot to me, and will always have a friend in me.

Last but not least, thank you.

Thank you for everything. :)


(written in my journal 7 May as prose,
typed and edited into poetry 8 May 2020)

I don’t have to be “special”
I don’t have to be better than anyone else
I don’t have to be the person you tell me to be
I just have to be

(May) I dare to be the unique person that I am
allow myself to be
and not fear anything
not being “enough”

We all somehow feel compelled
to be/act a certain way that’s expected of us –
and sometimes that expectation
actually comes from

We try to fit into a certain ideal
to be/become “special”
but inevitably
we grow weary
we question why
“what’s the point anyway?”

But I guess
the best way to live
is to allow yourself room –
time and space
– to be yourself
sans fear and inhibitions

Let yourself be free
to be happy
in your own skin
doing your own thing
and don’t let anyone
take that away from you
not even yourself

So yes, don’t be “special”
“special” is so overrated
Be yourself – 
the one you know best
the one you do best
and be your own

losing track of time

(12 April 2020)

A minute bleeds to the next
an hour spills over to the next
a day has passed

A day seems long and dreary
but time trots by quickly
now, now
what day is it?

Restricted within the hood
and some within our homes
we can (still)
choose to be thankful

Movement is restricted, yes
but our minds are really not
Take the time
to slow down and to do the things
we never got the time to get to

Indulge fully in the time
we get to spend with our loved ones
for even if we had wanted to
we would not have actually
made time and space for this

Take time to ground inwards
cultivate some good habits
prepare for when the time comes
when all this ends
when a new “normal” returns

Then, we bloom



Leap year day

(29 Feb 2020 / 29022020)

Leap year day. Literally just another day, yet somehow… it feels special. It feels almost… exclusive? (to those who take extra notice of it) and it feels like a limited edition date, almost.

I mean… it happens only once in four years!

I remember the first time I ever got to know about this “extra” day… it was 2008, a good 3 leap years before today. There was a Singaporean movie about romance out that time named The Leap Years (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0470420/), which I watched and loved, and I guess it planted something in me about this otherwise normal day.

But like any other day, this day especially reminds me to cherish the present, the now, and everything that I have at the moment.

Been reading “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, and it has been really enlightening.

Let’s all just enjoy this moment right now and relish in present-awareness :)

First love

(started 29 Jun 2017, completed 18 Feb 2020)

First love

we were without any fear
we did not have any care
somehow we thought (or assumed) that
we could be together –
always and forever

we had the whole future ahead of us
without making any concrete plans
we were so, so sure of ourselves
but forgot the most important part –
to lay the ground

we enjoyed every moment together
the future did not seem so far
we saw only a future of ‘ours’
but i guess we were still pretty far –
from maturity

time passed and we grew up
somehow we grew apart
our dreams seemed to take us further
but further from each other –
from the future of ‘ours’

with the ground shaky
perhaps even void and weak
cracks quickly turned into crumbles
not long before it goes to shambles

they say absence makes the heart grow fonder
but for us the distance apart
catalysed the breakdown process
and culminated in a breakup –
it was really a roller coaster ride

i’ll always remember us though
two fearless kids without a care
loving without understanding
what exactly love is about

the lessons learned from this love
will bring us through the rest of our lives
and although it did hurt really bad
i still wanna say
(from the bottom of my heart)

thank you :)

Do the next right thing

(3 Feb 2020)

This thought has been on my mind for a while now (maybe a week or so?), and I find that it has really helped me to shift my mindset and hence my general outlook on life – not a super big thing, but pretty significant, I would say.

I’ve always been pretty caught up with the idea of finding the right place or right direction – kind of like how people talk about the “right one” – I thought I would know when it comes. After graduation, I naturally thought about finding the right career/ path to go on.

The first job did not turn out great, perhaps there were a few factors at play – relationship with my mentor, steep learning curve, everyday being a challenge, the stress I imposed on myself to perform well, time and energy required beyond work hours, being emotionally and physically drained everyday, etc.

All these things led me to the conclusion that it wasn’t right for me. I didn’t feel excited to go to work, in fact, I even dreaded it at some point. I wasn’t performing well, it seemed like the effort I put in never showed up in the results.

Granted, it may just be a matter of time, as I had just started, everything was new, I was untrained, etc. But it just didn’t feel… right. All the signs seem to be pointing towards the “non-rightness” of it.

So, I left.

The process of deciding to leave was painful, but I felt a great sense of relief after. In fact, I felt excited – I was getting closer to what is right for me!

Now, in the second job (I’m only around 1 month in), it was even more challenging than the one before – in different ways altogether, but definitely more challenging. 2-3 weeks in, I was questioning myself once more – why am I doing this? I didn’t see the meaning of doing this in light of what I thought I wanted my life to be, the direction I thought I wanted to head. What’s the point?

Then came the big question…

What is it that you really want to do? What direction are you heading? What meaning are you looking for?

This brought me back to reality, in a way, because I’d always thought I knew what I wanted, what direction I was heading, but honestly… it’s pretty cloudy. I know the rough direction but don’t know what to do/ how to get there.

Then it hit me.

Instead of focusing on calibrating/ figuring out/ making clear where you wanna head, what you wanna become – and then feeling overwhelmed and lost and scared because it’s such a big decision to make – and then only after having “figured things out”, laying down the things to do to get there…

Just focus on doing the next right thing.

My dad always tells me (tries to tell me) that even when you’re lost, just keep moving. The right place and right direction is not going to find you when you’re not moving. Just keep doing the next right thing, and you’ll end up where you’re meant to be.

We don’t choose who we become (or perhaps, we can’t really do that), but we can always, always choose to do the next right thing. And every right thing we do, will lead us closer to being at the right place, going in the right direction.

So yes, I may be lost for now, but I’m really not. I’ll simply do the next right thing, always.

(inspired by a song from Frozen 2 – listen below!)


(10 Oct 2019)

All these feelings
Of sadness
Of pain
Of brokenness
Will not be for nothing
In fact
They will make you stronger
Bring you closer
To where you’re meant to be
Who you’re supposed to become

Hang in there
and prioritise self-care

(5 Apr 2019)

Home oh home I miss you so
little me would never have imagined
but it would do me good to just be at home now

Tell me, tell me why I feel this way
past me have always thought and believed
that this was the path I want to take, the life I want to live

Dreams… do they fade away or change
once you go closer and almost reach them?
Or is this just not the right time, is it just not made for now?

Many questions, many feelings, many thoughts
but one thing is for sure
I really wanna be (/ I am so ready to be)


(countdown to home: 18 days; countdown to end of gap year: 45 days)


(2 Mar 2019)

homesick –
something i never used to feel
i simply enjoyed
the freedom
the fun
the sun
the company
the foreign sights
the exotic food

but the more i travel
the more i see the world
the more time i spend away
the more i just want to be